
Exploding Greeting Card Bunting

Original price was: £11.50.Current price is: £4.99.

The card that can be a gift as well.

Cheer up someone special today, by purchasing these handmade pop-up greeting cards.

You’ll be the talk of the town!

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SKU: EXPBUN01 Category: Tag:


An exciting way to send a greeting card or to just send a cheerful card to a dear friend.

Handmade exploding card measuring 10.5cm x 7cm. Extended wings measure 9cm to either side. When standing measurements are 28.5cm wide. 18.2cm high. Depth 14cm. Excepting the raw materials, all products displayed on the card have been hand created.

Each scottie has been drawn and cut by hand.  All scotties are sporting bandanas and little ‘bunting’ flags adorn the card. The external box is covered with the same glitter card.

190mm x 190mm quality white envelope included.

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